
30 January 2012

January Is Ending - Already... (A blog post of rambling.)


The first month of the year is pretty much done already.  It has passed by in a flurry of visitors, social outings, school holidays, night shift (for the man person), and of course fabric.  Fabric.  Fabric.  Fabric is a whole world on it's own.  And I could dedicate more than a month of random thoughts to that one.  I am waiting (not so) patiently (I'm so not a patient person) for a particular range to make it's way to the suppliers.  They say it will be arriving early March.  I'm guessing the end of March in reality.  And then after I order it, it needs to make it's way from the States to the middle of the WA desert to reach me.  I'll be stalking the postie, and when it finally arrives, I will squeal with delight (I am playing out the scenario in my head right now), and tear the envelope open (or more like cut it carefully - they don't tear easily those envelopes, and God forbid I cut it haphazardly and cut through the preciousness), and then, I will carefully, slowly, deliberately touch it to my cheek.  Sigh.

I digress.  A rather common thing we do in the 76 world.  I guess it is really like that with any conversation involving excited women.  We do spend a lot of time being rather excited.  Anyway.  Two sleeps to go until school starts for the term.  A new school for Mr 6 - year one for him this year.  Oh my baby.  Where did that time go.  Less of a meltdown this year (for me) however, the beginning of last year was an almost crisis when my littlest one went to full time school.  The whole 'Who am I?' and 'No one needs me anymore!' was soon replaced with feelings and thoughts of felt and buttons at that time, and now this year I am already planning my Wednesday, right down to the timing of a cuppa when I get home from dropping the lovelies off.  My biggest guy is in Year 3 this year.  I think he's grown about a foot over the holidays.  He's just had his return to school haircut and is looking rather handsome.  I have made them both promise they will never leave home.  I may retract this request in later years.  Husband man person is on a course for a few days.  I will have two whole days to myself before he starts his break.  Oh my golly.  I can't bloody wait!  It's been nearly 2 months since a day on my own.  Wooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooo!  And I'm not doing any housework. None.

Only 17 days til our next Market Night, and we have some glorious goodies coming out.  Lots of lovelies to get out into the world :)

Mr 6 just came to tell me he has been singing lullabies to the cat to make him go to sleep.  Bit cute really.  Prior to this he and the cat had a stare out.  The cat lost.  I really think it's time to go back to school.

Here's to a fun year at school (for wee and not so wee ones), fabulous friends, time by oneself, and yards and yards of fantastic fabric (that arrives on time - or even better, earlier than expected)!  Enjoy your year - it's gonna be a busy one for us full of lots of interesting adventures and fun challenges!

Tilly xox