
21 February 2011

To Market, To Market...

Aaaaaaah.  The past week or so has been busy with all sorts of goings on!  Lane has been busy networking (a job she does so well!).  We went to market at the 'Boulder Markets' on Sunday.  There were loads of new faces there this month, lots of familiar ones... and a cheeky older gentleman who very nicely came to tell us; 'They are waiting for you two.'  'Oh, who?' We answer.  He grinned and came back with 'The belly dancers!' 

We arrived early and set up our stall - gorgeous as ever even if I do say so!

As always we had a lovely morning chatting to all the lovely people who stopped by, and also to each other!!!
Lane is flat out now with orders for twirly skirts coming out her ears!  I have a few cases to make.  Isn't it funny, the more you have to do, the more you can do. 

More goodies loaded on the shopping site today.  

I hope you all had a lovely lazy weekend.  :)

16 February 2011

So much going on!!!!

Crikey Dick...could this week be any busier!!!!
A combination of Business and pleasure has had me on the run this week.....
Business wise we have gone all uber professional and Got ourself a website up and running (Mostly done by Tilly cos she's real good at that stuff)....we have ordered labels to sew into our fabric creations and even gone as far as getting business cards well as sewing up a storm for the upcoming Boulder Markets this Sunday!!!!!
My Twirl skirts are proving ever so slightly popular with 5 on order (I'm thinking no more orders of those till the current ones are done.....hmmmm...Good idea lane!!!)

Also orders for T Shirts and pillowslip dresses so its all go...Loving it :)

On Non business side...Older Boy Child Brodie had an Auskick event yesterday which included a training run with the Freo Dockers (thats Aussie Rules for you non Australian Folks :) )
I'm not sure who was more excited Me or Brodie....No wait Alison Melia was definitely the Most excited...
and why were these mothers of numerous children excited you ask.....PAV!!!!!!!

Yes, thats right Pav...the beautiful captain...tanned tall and muscular...Swoooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Look out paparazzi...the Pavarazzi are in town......I don't think any of the mothers watched their children playing footy...they were too busy taking a million zillion photos of Pav and the rest of his handsome fellow footballers....

Life is Good :)
Lane xxx
Ps...Green shirted child is mine :)

15 February 2011

A sneaky peak...

Hello lovelies...

Today was spent in a creative way, the mojo returned!  I have been making rings, bobbies, bookmarks and also made a custom necklace for a lovely lady.  I can go to bed satisfied!  

Market this weekend... Bring it on!  

Tilly xox

PS:  Can any of you out there using 'Big Cartel' let us know what you think?  Ta :)

14 February 2011

Lovely News on the Day of Love

Oh what wonderful news we got this morning....Our Darling Friend Kate had her baby this morning.....Maggie Evelyn created by love and born on the Day of Love...What a beautiful memory for her parents....We are off to visit her soon...bearing gifts....A bit like the 3 wise men...only I'm not very wise and I'm definitely not a man..and there is only 2 of us...hmmmmmm....So not really like them at all!!!!!
<3 Lane

13 February 2011

The Ramblings of Tilly...

I found a moment of peace in the roses, even though their perfect buds have gone, and they have seen better days.  I was intriuged to see what beauty they did have left.  Just like any ageing, whether it be roses or people, the beauty is still there, it just needs to be looked at in a new way.  The purple flowers (name?) were a fantastic surprise, hidden away under some other plants. 

The childers brought me breakfast in bed this morning.  The delight on their faces was gorgeous!  Two pieces of toast with peanut butter and a biscuit ('For your treat Mum!').  I was so rapt, and oh so proud.  Since then we have had a broken bike and a broken garage door... I'm anxiously waiting for the third...  They are boys.  They go fast.  They are loud.  I wouldn't have them any other way.  My whirlwind boys make me laugh, and sometimes cry, but, they are my life, and my sunshine.

I'm having a 'day off' the buttons and fabric today.  It is nice to just breathe.  

I might even cook dinner.  But, probably not.  A day off should be for all things I think! 

The childers are watching a movie, I hear giggling, I might go join them, I think a good giggle and a snuggle on the couch is in order.

♥ Tilly xxx

12 February 2011

Lanes Log Stardate 12th February 2011

My bestie in all things has set up this blog for us to share our thoughts on life, love, buttons and fabrics; Our four favourite things ( not necessarily in that order as they can change on a daily basis!!) She is the clever one...I am the  "I can't do it" one to which she rolls her eyes and does it cos she knows stuff, important stuff

Today I tidied my sewing desk.....I hear you all ooohhh and aahhhhhhhing over that exciting piece of news

Brodie had a sleepover at a friends last night so relative peace has reigned
Brian got home at 7.30 this morning (some interesting patients on his plane last night)

Charley has watched or Play Acted StarWars most of morning...AGAIN!!!

Amelia Jane..precious Princess is sleeping...Phew!!!

Hoping to get My Bohemian Meadow Twirl skirt finished today....
Although the day is already half over

Does somebody know where we can buy more hours in the day?

Bye For Now
Lane xxx

Here we are!

A cosy inside day here in Kalgoorlie today, just perfect for creating!  It is time for me to dust the sewing machine off, and get some serious stitching time in.  The buttons will be left to rest for another day!

We are having a lovely slothy morning in our house, the kids are still pyjama'd, watching telly and grazing their way through a cloudy and chilly (for here, at this time of year) day.  Today is just what everyone needs after a first full week back at school.

Well, I guess I better hop to it!  Hope to catch you all here later on...

Tilly xxx

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